Friday, July 13, 2012


Ok so I just started a blog, why did I do this? For one I want to improve my writing skills, and in order to do this I must practice, and to practice I must write. Second I find the topic of relationships and sex very interesting. In the last two years I have taken a few hours of my day here and there delighting myself in reading about the adventures of others in their blogs. I was even fascinated by the comments posted at the end of some stories and how people interpreted the story. For me I have a view of relationships and sex that is outside the mainstream view, I believe people are way to hung up on the issue wanting to dictate what the “ideal” criteria is for a relationship between a man and a woman. Often this is done to validate what they are currently doing, there is strength in numbers after all. But if we live in a truly free society then I believe people should be free to choose as many sexual partners as they want at any one time and define their relationship however they want so long as nobody is getting coerced.

I’m also of the opinion that so many people are currently unhappy because they have been indoctrinated to believe that relationships should fit the very narrow definition that was thought to them in schools and by their parents and that if they deviate from that then there must be something wrong with them. This of course leads most people to subvert their true characteristics and that is never a good thing in my opinion.

If anybody has a suggestion of any blogs on the topic of sex and relationships please share. Currently I only know of two blogs and their writers are not writing as frequently as they used to. Nevertheless I find their earlier posts quite good reading.